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​Welcome to the web site of S9TF
Hi guys!
We came back home safe; a little bit tired but proud of our efforts. As we told you before we are not professional ham radio operators and there will be surely collegues who complaint with S9TF operations. Therefore we wish to say that we really did our utmost, trying to satisfy all the requests for qsos. The pile up has been always very busy and the 21.038 qso say that it has not been very easy for us to manage it. The operations from S9TF started a little bit in late (of abt. half a day) because the small aircraft (only 15 passengers) that connects Sao Tomé to Principe took off in the late afternoon (february 1st) due to a sudden storm that fortunately got away soon (the expected departure was in the morning of the same day). Not only but in the last three days we missed two amplifiers and two stabilized power supply forcing us to transmit with two FT897 (100w. each one) supplied by the last power supply still working. All this occurred as the generator suddendly issued 290v. and we did not realize it till two lamps blowed up but it was too late. By the way we wish to thank you all for the calls and for your patience. The qsl are not ready yet but who already sent his direct qsl and/or already made a donation to receive the direct qsl for the qso in S9TF log, has to wait till the printer will deliver the parcel with the printed qsl; they will be sent immediately by direct mail.     
73' de S9TF crew


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